looking for a way to serve this summer?
With WPC going to a drive-in worship service model for a large portion of the summer, we are in need of people who would be willing to serve on our parking team.
Help direct and manage the traffic flow before and after worship service on Sunday morning.
1. Attend training - 6/13 at 9am in the parking lot. After this date, training will be done Sunday mornings at 9am.
2. Come early to worship service - 9:15am for prayer, overview and service. Service begins at 10am. You are encouraged to sit with your family, or you may sit in our volunteer area.
3. Stay after service to help dismiss and guide traffic out of the parking lot - between 10:45am-11:15am at the latest.
We would love to have you join the team this summer! Please contact Gayle Gage by clicking the button below and she will get you scheduled for any Sundays you are available this summer.