My beautiful wife and I delight in our three children, our life together in West Texas and our service to Westminster.  I graduated from Coronado High School in 1993, Westmont College in 1997 (B.A. Communication Studies), and Fuller Seminary in 2002 (MDiv).  I was ordained as a pastor in 2007.

Before coming to Westminster, I served churches in Los Angeles, CA; Bethlehem, PA; and Ashburn, VA and have filled a variety of other ministry roles in the United States and internationally.   

Westminster has a special place in my heart.  When I was a member of its student ministry, the leadership of Westminster led me into a continuing and transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.  I count it among the great joys of my life to serve the church that helped to grow my faith. 



As a native of Lubbock, I've had the opportunity to work in various leadership roles across several non-profit and state organizations throughout Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. I consider it a blessing to join the Westminster family, and I look forward to building and growing the church vision with you.

Community and service have played a significant role in my life and led to meeting my husband, Javier, through a service fraternity at Texas Tech University. Since our recent marriage, we have blended two adult sons and a daughter into a beautiful family.

 In our spare time, Javier and I love all things outdoors, listening to local live music, and spending time with friends and family.

Traditional Music Director

Boyce Wyrick

Born in St. Louis, we moved to Texas and settled in Amarillo where I was baptized into the family of God at the age of 10.  Following graduation in 1966, Texas Tech and Lubbock became home. After a military obligation, Lubbock and Coronado high schools provided a 35-year career in music education followed by 9 years at Wayland Baptist University.  In addition to teaching, over the years I have performed with numerous symphonies, retiring from the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra after 50 years.

Kathy and I blended our families in 1987.  Our four children have added eight grandchildren and one great-grandson to the family…please ask to see pictures and/or hear stories!

For decades, service in church music has increasingly become a passion. It is a great pleasure to serve at WPC where I continue to learn each & every day.



My family and I are blessed to call West Texas our home and I am honored to serve our young families with a passion, reaching out to WPC and our community with the Gospel. I was born and raised in Lubbock and graduated with my bachelor’s degree in education at TTU. My husband, Cecil, and I were married in September 2000. Together, we have five children. Matthew (31), Madeline (27), Noah (21), Joseph (21). and Claire (17), and have six grandchildren who we absolutely adore.

As a child, I knew I had a calling to work with children. I have known Jesus as my savior from a young age and have a passion to make that the story for as many children as possible.



While I was born in Houston and spent my high school years in Abilene, Lubbock is truly the place my wife and I call home. I graduated from Lubbock Christian University in 2023, with a Bachelor’s in Missions and I am beyond grateful and proud to call Westminster our church home.

I am an outgoing, fun-loving, servant who wants to be you and your student’s biggest cheerleader and supporter! I have way too many interests and hobbies ranging from watching football, baseball, and soccer games with my wife to playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends for hours. Whatever your interests are, I’m sure we’ll be able to connect!

Most of all, my greatest joy in life is being able to be a part of God is working on in the lives and hearts of young people. I am so grateful and excited for the opportunity to get to know you and your family and to be a small part of the plans God has in store for them.



My husband Dave and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary! We have six adult children, 4 precious grandchildren and 4 adorable doggies. I am a native of this area and grew up in Hale Center, my husband, Dave, was born and raised in beautiful Michigan. 

I am thrilled to be a part of Westminster in this new chapter in my life! I feel the Lord has carefully guided my steps along the way and has lead me here. My passion is not only ministering to people, but ministering to people where they are in life. I have done that for years in different areas of healthcare and so look forward to continue this ministry in other areas that God has opened for me! I look forward to meeting each of you and building new friendships here at Westminster! 



I am the Finance Clerk at Westminster Presbyterian Church. I have been working here since 2025 but have been serving in a ministry capacity since 2023. I was born and raised here in Lubbock, TX and received my Bachelor of Business Administration, with a Major in Human Resources in 2019, at Wayland Baptist University in Lubbock.

My husband CR and I have four beautiful children together, three boys and one girl. We also have two doberman pinschers. During my free time I enjoy serving my family, cooking, watching football, listening to music, and watching movies with my family.

 I am truly blessed that the Lord led me here and I'm excited to step into the role of the new finance person here at WPC. It's an honor to contribute to the growth and success of such an inspiring community, and I look forward to working together to manage our resources with faith and integrity.