Look up- way up! That’s where we’re headed. Where I-beams float effortlessly overhead, carefully guided into place by powerful machinery. These magnificent structures were elaborately designed and intricately built. Yet they all began the same way- with concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes; and most importantly, a solid foundation.
This summer kids will learn that Jesus’ love
will provide a foundation that lasts!
We will make sure you have everything you need in your tool belt before our week of adventure starts! There will be an informational and training event prior to kick-off to cover where stations are, key tips to build relationships with the kids and what to expect throughout the week.
Is it worth it?
I would love to help but what if I’m not available every day?
No worries! At VBS we work as a team of 30+ volunteers so chances are someone else is able to cover the days that you are unavailable. We even have positions available early in the morning or close to lunch if you are able to adjust your schedule for an hour.
Sounds like fun, however what if my children are to young to attend?
We provide childcare for all volunteers during the course of the week. The nursery will be open 30 minutes prior to each days start and remain open 30 minutes past each days end. Just let the VBS leadership team know that you need childcare!
Youth & Adult Team positions:
Bible study Team
Bible Study Leaders will work as team each day to greet each child, teach each day’s lesson and relate it back to the daily Scripture and Bible point.
Craft team
Craft leaders will work as a team to be prepared with each days Scripture, story and “Today’s Point”. They will lead each day’s craft activity and assist the children in their creations.
Games team
We will have two teams for recreational games: preschoolers & elementary. Leaders will work as a team implementing each days Scripture, story & Bible point into fun age-appropriate games that the children will enjoy working together as a team! Elementary games will take place outside in the park (pending weather) and preschool games inside in the FMC gym.
Missions Team
The missions and snack team will work together each day to engage the children in conversation about what it means to be a missionary along with show the daily videos while the kids enjoy their snacks. Be familiar with each day’s Scripture, story, and daily Bible point.
connection team
The connection team will work with leadership to help recruit, greet families at registration during the week, then afterwards contact families to let them know we are so glad they came to our Concrete & Cranes VBS! We want to ensure that each family that attends receives a personal invitation to attend services with us after the main event is over.
snack team
This team of volunteers will gather at the start of each day to prepare theme-related snacks following recipe cards for the kids to enjoy. Each day we strive to have a fun, healthy and filling snack!
media team
The team will assist the VBS leaders in preparation and execution of all technology details including taking pictures, recording daily testimonies and preparing a slideshow to show the congregation on VBS Sunday!
worship team
The worship team will make sure we kick off and end each day with energy at Worship Rally! Help us with skits, singing or dancing to praise songs, and running the media for the day.
crew leaders
Crew leaders will be responsible for guiding their small group of kids throughout the course of the week! We will have mixed aged crews of no more than 10 kids per group that you will take from station to station. Help the rotation leaders with their activities, but there is no daily preparation work needed, this job is all relational; making sure the kids have a safe and fun filled week!