Christmas is almost here! Which means there’s a lot for us to look forward to — sometimes impatiently. But you know the saying, "good things come to those who wait”? It's true for Christmases now, but it was true on the very first Christmas as well. You see, the day Jesus came to earth wasn’t a sudden surprise. It was the first step in a long-awaited plan. In this 4-week series, we’ll hear the Christmas story from the perspective of the prophets in the Old Testament, who foretold and then waited for the good things God had in store. Christmas is a reminder of what the prophets proclaimed: that God has always had a plan, that Jesus completes God’s plan, that God’s plans bring joy, and that God’s plans require sacrifice.
Click on the weekly topics below for the big ideas, Scripture, and questions. And be sure to click the button for the student devotionals.
Week 1
Big Idea: God has a plan.
Scripture: Genesis 3:1-15; Jeremiah 33:14-16; Matthew 1:1-17; Philippians 1:6
Follow-up Questions:
- When did you first hear about Jesus? How did you first hear about Him?
- When you look back on your life so far, where do you see God at work?
- Is it ever hard for you to trust God has a plan? If so, what would help you be more trusting?
- This week, what’s one way you can demonstrate that you trust God’s plans?
Week 2
Big Idea: Jesus completes God's plan
Scripture: Malachi 3:1-2; Mark 1:1-8; Matthew 1:21-23; II Peter 3:9
Follow-up Questions:
- What’s the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
- What does sin have to do with Christmas?
- How would you explain God’s plan to solve our sin problem?
- This week, what’s one way you can let Jesus rescue you from your sin?
Week 3
Big Idea: Jesus brings joy.
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-17; Luke 2:25-38; Philippians 4:4
Follow-up Questions:
- What’s your favorite thing about Christmas?
- How do you think “joy” is different from “happiness”?
- How does Jesus bring us joy?
- This week, what’s one way you’re going to try to choose more joy?
Week 4
Big Idea: God's plan requires a sacrifice.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, 46-55; Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:16
Follow-up Questions:
- What did God have to sacrifice in order to make the very first Christmas possible?
- Read Hebrews 13:16. Why do you think the sacrifices we make for others pleases God so much?
- When we make sacrifices for others, we’re giving something up — but what can we gain?