If someone asked who you are, what would you say? Maybe you'd say your name. Or maybe you’d say, "I'm a musician. A basketball player. A friend. A daughter or son. I'm a human!" Those things might be true, but have you ever felt like you’re still figuring out who you are, what you’re good at, or why you’re here? In this 4-week series, the stories of Jesus and John the Baptist, and the words of Paul, will help us see why discovering who Jesus is helps us discover who we’re meant to be. Not only is Jesus is distinct from anyone who has ever lived, but God made us distinct too, with distinct gifts we can use to serve God and others, and unique distinctions that are worth celebrating.

Click on the weekly topics below for the big ideas, Scripture, and questions. And be sure to click the button for the student devotionals.


Week 1

Big Idea: Jesus is Distinct

Scripture: John 1:1-18

Follow-up Questions:

  • Who do people in your school and/or your friends say Jesus is?
  • Why is it important to believe that Jesus is God?
  • Who is Jesus to you and how has knowing Him changed your life so far?

Week 2

Big Idea: God Made You Distinct

Scripture: John 1:19-23; Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 139:13-14

Follow-up Questions:

  • Why do you think John the Baptist was so confident in his identity?
  • How do you think someone figures out who they are (and who they aren't)?
  • What are some ways that God has made you distinct and what is one way you can show you're thankful for how God made you?

Week 3

Big Idea: We Can All Serve In Distinct Ways

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 1 Peter 4:10; Proverbs 11:25

Follow-up Questions:

  • What are spiritual gifts?
  • How have you seen people use their unique passions and talents to serve others?
  • What are some of your passions and how can you use those to serve others right now?

Week 4

Big Idea: We Can Celebrate Our Distinctions

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Revelation 7:9-10; Psalm 139:13-14

Follow-up Questions:

  • What are some examples of differences God created?
  • What is one situation where you feel uncomfortable with people who are different than you? Why do you think you feel that way?
  • How can you celebrate someone who is different than you this week?