
With the current pandemic surrounding COVID-19, there has been a national shortage on medical face masks, which puts our healthcare professionals at risk while they serve on the front lines of combating this virus.

So, in order to love our community well, WPC is starting this Mask Ministry, and we are asking you to help!

how to sign up

We want to make sure that as we partner together, all of the masks made meet the specific guidelines of healthcare organizations. In order to ensure this, please sign up to serve by clicking the button below.

what information do I need?

In addition to signing up (click the button above to fill out the form) we have provided the specific guidelines here for you so that you can download them and get to work! We ask that you would make both types of masks so that both the women and men of our healthcare systems can be protected. Please download all three files below. Each file can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding buttons.

what do I do once done?

If you feel comfortable, you can drop them off at the hospitals yourselves.

If you are high risk of contracting the virus, please stay home, and we’ll send someone to come pick them up for you.

You can let us know which option you’d like by filling out the sign up form above.

If something changes after you filled out the form, please call Francee Kneisley at the front office at 806-799-3621.