Easter Service from home

Below is a suggested order of worship for you as you worship from home this Easter.

Easter Hymnal PDF

Download and print out the “Easter Hymnal PDF” which contains lyrics for both Modern Praise songs and Traditional Hymns featured in this service.


Turn to one another and greet each other with the historical Easter Sunday greeting:
One person says to another, “He is risen!”
The other replies back, “He is risen, indeed!”

Opening Prayer

One member of the household should lead a prayer, like this (or in your own words):
”Almighty God, we come before you today in worship of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives forevermore. We thank you for Him and for the life you have given to us in and through Him.
We pray now that your Holy Spirit would be amongst us as we lift our hearts to you in celebration and adoration of your risen Son! Amen.”

adoration and praise #1

Click on either “Modern Service Music” or “Traditional Service Music” videos.
Using the printed copy of the Easter Hymnal PDF, sing along with the musicians.

modern service music

Featuring WPC Modern Praise Team: Jason Fellers, Brandon Word, Carson Outlaw, Ross Raedeke and Jonathan Smithers (production). Songs: Great Things; Death Arrested; Christ Is Risen
CCLI License# 673058
Filmed and edited by Stellar Media Co.
Video presentations filmed in compliance with current safety regulations pertaining to COVID-19 concerns.

traditional service music

Featuring the WPC Adult Choir: Alaina Galt, Hope Cooksey, Paul Vasquez, Don Summersgill and Chuan-Li Ko (pianist)
Songs: Christ, the Lord Is Risen Today; Risen Indeed!; Rejoice, the King Is Risen
CCLI License# 673058
Filmed and edited by Stellar Media Co.
Video presentations filmed in compliance with current safety regulations pertaining to COVID-19 concerns.

Easter Sermon - Pastor Elliott Powell

Sermon Series: The Calm of Christ
Sermon Title: While It Was Still Dark
Sermon Text: John 20:1-18

Video presentations filmed in compliance with current safety regulations pertaining to COVID-19 concerns.

Adoration and Praise #2

Click on either “Modern Service Music” or “Traditional Service Music” videos above.
Using the printed copy of the Easter Hymnal PDF, sing along with the musicians.

Closing Prayer

One member of the household should lead a prayer like this (or in your own words):
”Gracious God, we thank you for this time together and for the radiant news of Jesus’ resurrection. Be our light for us today and all our days. You are risen, indeed! Alleluia and Amen!”

sunday school class fellowship - 10:15am

Maker’s Mark Class: Zoom Meeting ID: 348 444 838

GIFFT Class: Zoom Meeting ID: 253 602 222

College Class: Zoom Meeting ID: 949 841 6862 - Contact Todd Wyrick for password at 432-413-6963

Student Ministry Class: Contact WPC Student Director Hunter Cargill - 806-543-5341