Holy Week

The phrase “Holy Week” refers to the final week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. For Christians, Holy Week progressively points forward to Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. Below are sections describing Westminster Presbyterian Church’s services during Holy Week. We pray that as you come and join us that Jesus would meet you where you are at and that you would receive the abundant life that he offers you.


Palm Sunday

April 14th is Palm Sunday. This is the Sunday before Jesus was crucified where he comes into the city of Jerusalem and is praised as the Messiah, the Anointed One of God who was to come and deliver Israel.

For us at WPC, we will hold two services. A modern service at 9am with acoustic praise music and a traditional service at 11am with organ and hymns. At both services we will celebrate Jesus with our student ministry confirmation graduates with baptisms and our kids choir singing.

If you have nursery aged children, we provide childcare (our nursery workers are background checked and trained) for you during both of our services in our nursery wing where they will have a special lesson and activity (take a right and head down the hallway after you enter our lobby area).

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Good Friday

April 19th is Good Friday. The Friday before Easter Sunday, we come together to both mourn the murder and crucifixion of our Savior and give glory to him for his ultimate and final sacrifice on the cross for our sin.

This service takes place at 7:30pm in our sanctuary. You can expect a dimly lit service where readers will read the final moments of Jesus’ life and his crucifixion. The Orchestra and Choir’s music selections follow these readings and ultimately ends with all in the sanctuary leaving in silence as a symbol of our mourning the Son of God’s death on the cross because of our sin.

If you have nursery aged children, we provide childcare (our nursery workers are background checked and trained) for you during service in our nursery wing where they will have a special lesson and activity (take a right and head down the hallway after you enter our lobby area).

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Easter Sunday

April 21st is Easter Sunday! This is the Sunday service where we all come together and invite others to celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead and thus conquering sin and death for ever and establishing his eternal victory over them!

At WPC we have two services. Our Modern Service is at 9am with acoustic praise music and our Traditional Service will be at 11am with organ and hymns. Between our services at 10am, we will have a welcome gathering where people can mingle and spend time together in our Parlor (just to the right of our sanctuary). Additionally at 10:15am we will have a children’s Easter egg hunt in the park.

If you have nursery aged children, we provide childcare (our nursery workers are background checked and trained) for you during both of our services in our nursery wing where they will have a special lesson and activity (take a right and head down the hallway after you enter our lobby area).

We would love for you to join us for each of these special services this year and we would love to invite you to invite your friends and family to attend along with you. At WPC we desire nothing more than for people to meet and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and begin to experience the life transformation that comes only through him.