A message from Pastor Elliott,

WPC is reopening for in-person worship services this Sunday, August 16th.

After much prayerful discussion on the part of WPC leadership and preparation on the part of our staff, we are ready to regather this Sunday, August 16th. This decision marks our entering into "Phase II" of our reopening (which entails opening up of the Sanctuary and the east hallway on Sundays only).

9:00 AM - Modern Worship

11:15 AM - Traditional Worship

Some things to keep in mind as you anticipate coming back into the church building:

1) No Sunday School:

- Sunday School will NOT meet on Sunday mornings as programs that operate within the church building are suspended until the "Phase III" full re-opening.

2) Children's Ministry:

- Nursery care will be available as well as Kids Worship on Sunday.

3) Safety of Our Members:

- While in the building, mask wearing is mandatory for the sake of protecting the health of our members more susceptible to COVID-19.

- Sanitizing Stations will be placed throughout the building.

- Social Distancing will be encouraged through "every other pew" seating arrangements.

- Our common use areas will be cleaned before, during, and between services.

As great as the Drive In Worship has been with you all these past several months, I am eager to see you all in-person and share in ministry together.

Have a great week, and I'll see you on Sunday!

Pastor Elliott