April 5th, 2020
Sermon Series: The Calm of Christ
Title: “The Things That Make For Peace
Text: Luke 19:29-44
Description: Christ can calm your soul amidst the interruptions.
April 5th, 2020
Sermon Series: The Calm of Christ
Title: “The Things That Make For Peace
Text: Luke 19:29-44
Description: Christ can calm your soul amidst the interruptions.
March 29th, 2020
Sermon Series: The Calm of Christ
Title: “The Lord of Interruptions”
Text: Selections from Mark 5:21-43
Description: Christ can bring a calmness to your soul - even in the midst of life’s interruptions.
March 22nd, 2020
Sermon Series: The Calm of Christ
Title: “The Storm and The Savior”
Text: Mark 4:35-41
Description: Christ can bring a calmness to your soul - even as the storm rages around you.
March 8, 2020
Rev. Elliott Powell; John 15:1-8
March 1, 2020
Rev. Elliott Powell; w/ Hunter Cargill, reading Luke 22:7-20